• Start playing the video file on the left now and don't stop it - the file contains everything needed, including the instructions and pauses. • In this section, you are going to hear some information about the history of the American Thanksgiving holiday. • Your task is to chooset the correct answer(s) on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. • First, you will have some time to look at the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. • Then, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down your answers. • At the real exam, the first question is always an example - here you have to solve it too. • If you make a mistake, please try again until you find all the correct answers - note that this is of course different at the exam too because there you don't have a second (or third) chance. The scoring is also different here because of this; if you want to see your real life score, only count your correct answers that you got right first time.
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The American tradition of Thanksgiving goes back to ...
the early days of the American colonies.
almost four hundred years ago.
A and B are both correct.
The Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic to settle in the New World for ... reasons.
A and B are both correct.
The first winter was so difficult ...
because they arrived too late to grow enough crops.
that only half of the Pilgrims survived it.
A and B are both correct.
During the following spring, the Indians showed them how to ...
grow corn.
hunt and fish.
A and B are both correct.
The rich harvest in the autumn of 1621 included excellent crops of ...
beans and pumpkins.
wheat and fruit.
A and B are both correct.
For the feast held in the autumn of 1621, the Indians ...
invited the colonists.
brought deer and popcorn.
A and B are both correct.
Celebrating the autumn harvest with a feast ... the U.S. became an independent country.
was already a custom before
became an official holiday only after
A and B are both correct.
The current day set aside for celebrating Thanksgiving ...